Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 8th Birthday Collin

It is hard to believe that you are 8 years old. It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital getting ready to have you. We were so nervous, we weren't sure if we would know what to do with a little baby, but we figured it out! You and your brother are our joy. I am so proud of you Collin, and enjoy watching you grow. You are such a smart boy. I am amazed at how quickly you learn about new things and how well you remember them. It is exciting to watch your love of space and science grow each day. I love that you are an avid reader like me- we are dangerous in a book store together, aren't we? I love your sensitive heart. You are so tenderhearted, and that is a wonderful characteristic to have, don't lose it. I love your hugs and snuggles. Don't ever get too big to hug mommy!! I love you Collin! Happy Birthday!

Happy 15th Anniversary Jeff!

Happy Anniversary honey! I love you!